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Founded in 1967 by promotor Neil Bogart in New York City. It released a variety of music types, including bubblegum pop like the Ohio Express, the 1910 Fruitgum Company, solo performer writer-singer Melanie, rhythm and blues artist Gladys Knight and the Pips, and rock and roller Captain Beefheart.

Buddah Records distributed their own records as well as other labels such as Kama Sutra Records, when they left MGM distribution, Curtom Records, (Curtis Mayfield), T-Neck Records (the Isley Brothers), Charisma Records, as well as smaller subsidiaries.

We are always working to get YOU a complete list of BUDDAH RECORDS

Label Number - Artist - Album title
This list is incomplete:

Buddah BDS 5657 Melba Moore - Melba Moore
Buddah BDS 5648 Van McCoy - From disco to Love

BUDDAH RECORD SECTION part of Joe's Music Rack for YOUR KEY TO COLLECTIBLES© 1996 - 2007